
On the menu there is a list of ten sentences conjuring up every-day superstitions the likes many people create. They are a playful attempt to influence the course of things by fabricating connections between one’s own doing and the things one usually cannot influence in order to exert control over the contingencies of life. > […]

Car Crush – a Mandala

As a first time visitor to Moscow the incessant flow of cars driving into and out of the city is one of the most stricing features. Our installation with cut out car pictures deals with both the aspect of wealth and movement versus standstill. By creasing pictures taken from car advertisments, the pictures are transformed […]


‹For this exhibition Hendrikje Kühne and Beat Klein adopted the roles of collectors and recyclers of objects found among the daily flood of images. They sifted through countless mail-order catalogues, brochures and magazines in search of images of saleable goods which they cut out and stuck to cardboard. These objects were assembled to produce an […]

Erzeugen Tomaten einen Hang zu Schwermut?

From discarded shopping-lists found in and around supermarkets we created 83 „potraits“ of anonymous shoppers by means of handwriting analisys and the psychological effect of colours. Many of the locations appear several times according to their popularity. This map therefore is a reflection of wishes and ideals rather than reality. Do you go for tomatoes? […]

Food Design

Hendrikje Kühne and Beat Klein are collectors, detectives and artists. In their show ‹Food Design› at the gallery Staub (g*fzk!), they present 93 mini-sculptures made from food reproductions glued on cardboard. The artists-collectors assembled the pictures for these 3-dimensional collages from the flood of food advertisments. Using a special technique, they created spatial constructions reminiscent of carnivorous […]

A World of Difference

‹In this new work, the holiday brochure imagery, combined in this assemblage form, might suggest the endlessly proliferating sprawling holiday-complexes that colonise holiday destinations such as the Mediterranean seabord. But it also constructs an alternative map of the world, one based not di lrectly on political geography or physical terrain but rather on the consumption […]

Typical Switzerland

For this project we asked regional Swiss tourist offices to send us there brochures. We chose the nicest pictures to create a typical Switzerland. 2002, floor sclupture, pictures from travel brochures on board, 300 x 400 x 25 cm, installation view Kunstmuseum Olten (2004) Essay by Dr. Sabine Gebhardt Fink   Film by John DiLeva Halpern, New […]

In der Stadt

Während ihres Aufenthalts in Dublin 1998 im Rahmen des Artists Work Programm am Irish Museum of Modern Art haben sich Hendrikje Kühne und Beat Klein mittels Assemblage mit dem Begriff des Eigentums auseinandergesetzt. Für das Dubliner Projekt ‹Property› war der mit dem Wachstum der Irischen Wirtschaft verknüpfte Kostenboom der Wohnhäuser in Irland Thema. Ebenso die Umwälzungen architektonischer, […]


At night we explore there rural surroundings of our studio with our car. We deliberately choose by-roads and forest tracks. Where do they lead to? Every now and then we stop the car and position the camera between the headlights to document what lies in front. 2000, slide installation at Gasworks Gallery, London  


The advertised car forms the smallest unit of the sculpture ‹Cars›. The pictures, cut out from from newspapers, magazines and other advertising literature were mounted on board and assembled in a rectangular system. As our sights were set on representing each of the 58.847 registered cars in the canton of Basel-Stadt on August 31. 1999 by […]