La nature des images

We juxtapose our personal impression of landscapes that we perceived from the train, bus or ferry in northern Germany with images of landscapes by other artists. By cutting out and using fragments of images from art postcards of their works, not only time and places but also ways of seeing and depicting are mixed up. […]

Die Blumen der Maler

The series Die Blumen der Maler (The Flowers of the Painters) is inspired by Odilon Redon’s flower arrangements and consists of five collages in different formats.The source material for them are art postcards of works by a wide variety of painters. The individual parts of these images were put together to form new kinds of bouquets. The arrangements […]

Three Models

The three works Ein Modell für eine Höhle, Ein Modell für einen Flussabschnitt, Ein Modell für einen Felsbrocken (A model for a cave, A model for a river section, A model for a boulder) are each based on a sculpture, which is turned into a picture carrier by means of the pasting-over process. By using […]

On Mountains

This series is about the idea of mountain scapes. On numerous hiking tours we collected impressions. Back in the studio we transformed those inner images into collages made of old black and white postcards or painted representations by other artists throughout centuries. 2018, collages from art postcards / black and white picture postcards, 70 x […]


For these three sculptures paper snippets from forest representations of thematic reports in popular journals were used to create the illusion of a plantlike surface. Eine Zimmerpflanze, 2018, Wood, Plaster, Paper, 58 x 30 x 30 cmSpäte Zimmerpflanze, 2024, Wood, Plaster, Paper, 62 x 30 x 30 cmZwei Zimmerpflanzen, 2018, Wood, Plaster, Paper, 51 x 30 x 30 cm

On Buildings

For the construction of these virtual buildings we used depictions of architecture from various source material for purposes other than intended. On closer look the combination of these fragments often collides with our sense of space. 2016, collages from art postcards and print-outs, 50 x 70 cm and 70 x 100 cm

On Forests

The view penetrates the impenetrable density of forests. The eye explores innumerable shades of green, discovers unknown places and meets the unexpected: plants by Henri Rousseau, a rowing man, people sitting in a café, commuters on a train, huge leaves from botanical gardens, long sewer pipes, partial views of French châteaus, a window from a ruin […]

Art Lovers and Weibsbilder

‹Art Lovers› This series of three is the result of an artistic research into the way men and women are depicted throughout recent art history. More often than not women are shown as naked models, whereas men are mostly dressed. Women are being looked at whereas men are looking. In our works however, the viewer becomes […]


  A series of smaller works, in which contradictory spacial aspects from individual postcards of interior paintings are merged into one, creating multiple rooms. 2011/2014, collages from art postcards, 26 x 33 cm each, ‹Innenansichten› 76 x 62 cm


  Fish, water, tank. These are the main ingredients you need to make a fish tank. This ‹Big Fish Tank›, however, works differently: Cut out fish shapes, with pictures of fish on the one side and pictures of water on the other are glued together in order to form a sculpture that has the size of […]