
  Fish, water, tank. These are the main ingredients you need to make a fish tank. This ‹Big Fish Tank›, however, works differently: Cut out fish shapes, with pictures of fish on the one side and pictures of water on the other are glued together in order to form a sculpture that has the size of […]


  This series of collages uses art posters as source material an is directly applied on the wall forming a unity. With their natural shape they play on the idea of the weathered remains of old frescoes. 2012, collages from art posters, 156,5 x 70 cm, 145 x 67 cm, 76 x 77cm  

Ein Haufen Zeit

The title of the sculpture ‹Ein Haufen Zeit› plays on the use of the word ‹heap›. The term ‹heap› defines both an indeterminate quantity and a specific material shape that is governed by gravity. Where matter passively succumbs to the forces of gravity horizontally as it expands towards its base, it overcomes these forces along its vertical […]

Charlotte im Erdbeerkostüm

Charlotte Lindholm trifft auf den zwei- und wirrköpfigen Präsidenten Zaphod Beeblebrox. Schnipsel aus Textvorschauen in Fernsehprogrammheften, zusammengefügt und als neue Geschichte in Form eine Diashow präsentiert. Trotz einer Formelhaftigkeit: Stimmige Schaulätze, starke Figuren. Dauer: 4:40 Minuten

Die kennen wir vom Sehen

The title ‹We know them by Sight› refers both to the used material (art postcards) and the subject matter of the works. While some works are composed in reference to well known icons of art history like ‹The Wedding at Cana› by Paolo Veronese or ‹The Bathers› by Paul Cézanne, others are recreating genre paintings like interiors. In ‹Die kennen wir vom […]

Top of the Pops

‹Top of the Pops› is an ongoing series mixing art history and pop culture. In the center of each collage is a portrait of some of the most popular art postcards, that enfolds it own world made from fragments of other art postcards. The size is exactly that of an LP and is a reminiscence of […]

Complementary Targets

Inspired by Jasper Jones’ targets we organised cut out representations of consumer goods according to colour to form three complementary targets. When ‹aiming› one’s gaze at the targets the complementary colours confuse the eye and the images start to flicker, quite in contradiction to the ordinary understanding of targets in general. 2009, advertisment pictures on […]

The Hunting

Inspired by the work ‹The Hunt› (around 1470) by Paolo Ucello (Ashmolean Museumof Art and Archaeology, Oxford) 2012, collage from art postcards, 60 x 110 cm

Grüsse von dort

For this series of collages we used fragmented picture postcards. Picture postcards are used to send greetings from one person to another. At the same time they are the photographic evidence of the senders temporary whereabouts, often with a little triumph. We rearranged these fragments in a seemingly haphazard way, yet the alignment of the […]

Painting Landscapes

For these works postcards of landscape paintings from museumshops were used. They were disected and reassembled to create a number of landscape ‹paintings›. Ongoing, since 2007, collages from art postcards, 50 x70 cm, 60 x 80 cm and 70 x 100 cm,